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What You Need to Know About Social Psychology (14th Edition).epub: A Comprehensive and Engaging Text

From its beginnings to this remarkably fresh and current new edition, Myers and DeWall's Psychology has found extraordinarily effective ways to involve students with the remarkable research underlying our understanding of human behavior. But while the content and learning support evolves edition after edition, the text itself continues to be shaped by basic goals David Myers established at the outset, including to connect students to high-impact research, to focus on developing critical thinking skills, and to present a multicultural perspective on psychology, so students can see themselves in the context of a wider world.

This new edition offers 2100 research citations dated 2015-2020, making these the most up-to-date introductory psychology course resources available. With so many exciting new findings, and every chapter updated with current new examples and ideas, students will see the importance and value of psychological research, and how psychology can help them make sense of the world around them.

Social Psychology (14th Edition).epub

With support from National Science Foundation grants, Myers' scientific articles have appeared in three dozen scientific periodicals, including Science, American Scientist, Psychological Science, and the American Psychologist. In addition to his scholarly writing and his textbooks for introductory and social psychology, he also digests psychological science for the general public. His writings have appeared in four dozen magazines, from Today's Education to Scientific American. He has authored five general audience books, including The Pursuit of Happiness and Intuition: Its Powers and Perils. And he blogs about psychology and life at

Even though I am a social psychologist and not a sociologist, this is the kind of text that I have looked for to use in a psychology course on social change. Obviously, such a course on my part would feature different theoretical and methodological approach, but the content as well as the organization of the present text really does fit the bill, including the intention to speak to the interdisciplinary of quality research that does contribute to social change. This is an excellent alternative to expensive hardcopies that is now on my list for consideration.

Barkan offers a solid overview of the sociological approach to social problems, and a review of established US problems leading with the context of the social constructionist view, and weaving other perspectives, historical matters, and policy approaches into the content in an accessible way. Key Takeaway sections that follow the sections provide very positive notes for relevancy. In later editions I would like to see certain social issues included, due to their potency and continued emerging urgency (specifically: human and civil rights, development and migration, cultural property, and sustainable consumption). More comparative treatments and discussion of the role of globalization plays within key social problems would add to this comprehensiveness.

The text does a wonderful job of bringing in a vast array of social problems and related them to real world events. I am aware that it can be challenging to address every social problem, as the text indicates there may be a need for society to acknowledge these problems and then they are viewed as social problems, I found there to be many missing components that can be addressed in future editions. I would have hoped to find, at least, some information regarding the Transgender population in the Gender chapter-there was no mention of this population outside of the Sexual Orientation chapter and this was just to include the "T" in GLBT. This population is marginalized and oppressed daily and there are many real-world examples out there to consider. Also, there is little on those living with a Disability, including Mental Illness. In the future it would be great for these populations to be included as well as others that I've missed. Overall, the book was comprehensive in what it noted it would address in the index/glossary.

This text provides a VERY comprehensive look at overall social problems within the United States and provides a well-defined section on a variety of specific issues. This open text would be an excellent supplement to a large variety of course subjects when used in parts, but it would also be very useful in its entirety for a sociology or other related course. The comprehensiveness of topics lends itself to a wider use across disciplines than a more sociology- or psychology-specific focused text. For example, one could use the chapters on gender inequality and the changing family of this text in a women's studies course, while a criminal justice course might use the chapters covering crime and substance abuse instead. While the text does not appear to provide a specific index or glossary, it does provide appropriate links and citations where applicable. I might suggest including these features in the next revision of this text.

Albert Bandura is one the world's most frequently cited psychologists. His ground-breaking work within the field of social learning and social cognitive theory led to a paradigm shift within psychology away from psychodynamic and behaviorist perspectives. As part of a new research agenda in the early 1960's which posited that people learn vicariously through observation Bandura began investigating aggression through imitation; work that gave rise to one of the most famous psychology studies of all time, "Transmission of Aggression Through Imitation of Aggressive Models." More commonly known as "The Bobo Doll Experiment," it was the first study to explore the impact of televised violence on children.

"The importance of evidence to inform decisions on social phenomena has never been greater; or more widely accepted. This book, which I have loved throughout its successive editions, remains a model of clarity and of balance in choice of research method and strategy to undertake the research. The authors deserve huge credit for modernising this excellent book while losing none of its insight." - Professor Sir Ian Diamond, UK National Statistician, formerly Principal and Vice Chancellor, University of Aberdeen, and Chief Executive of the Economic and Social Research Council

Although Lowell was to fade away as a model industrial community, its legacy never disappeared. Such a highly regulated world did not reappear in the United States until the 1950s, albeit in the pastel colors favored by social engineers and reinforced less by brute surveillance than by the subtle arts of industrial psychology. But these new techniques were effective because Lowell and its successors had done their job well. The dissociation of traditional republican ethics from technics was complete. By the 1950s, the factory system and market had begun to invade the last bastions of private life and had colonized personality itself. No overseers and superintendents were needed to perform this task. Reinforced by rationality as a mode of instrumentalism and science as a value-free discipline, the Lowells of our own era have ceased to be an extrinsic feature of social mechanization. They arose immanently from the factory system as a way of life and the marketplace as the mode of human consociation. Technics no longer had to pretend that it had an ethical context; it had become the "vital spark" of society itself. In the face of this massive development, no private refuge was available, no town or frontier to which one could flee, no cottage to which one could retreat. Management ceased to be a form of administration and literally became a way of life. Ironically, republican virtue was not completely discarded; it was simply transmuted from an ideal into a technique. Autonomy was reworked to mean competition, individuality to mean egotism, fortitude to mean moral indifference, enterprise to mean the pursuit of profit, and federalism to mean free trade. The ethic spawned by the American Revolution was simply eviscerated, leaving behind a hollow shell for ceremonial exploitation. As it turned out, it was not the hideous squalor of a Manchester that placed a lasting imprint on the industrial age but the clinical sophistication of bureaucratic disempowerment and media manipulation. 2ff7e9595c

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