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Which Porn Stars Had Hysterectomy

Jane was a guest star on the HBO dramedy series Entourage, in the ninth episode of the second season, "I Love You Too", which features the main characters making a trip to Comic-Con, where they get some help from the "Pussy Patrol", led by Jane.In 2009, she appeared in the reality series The Bad Girls Club.In a 2009 CNBC documentary titled Porn: Business of Pleasure, Jesse is the focus of the final six-minute segment, which details her career and her life outside the porn industry.[19]

which porn stars had hysterectomy

Jane was the Australian Penthouse Pet of the Month in November 2010.[20]In 2011, she was named by freelance journalist Chris Morris as one of the 12 most popular stars in porn.[21] Morris stated that she is "for many, the face of modern porn", noting her roles in the popular porn Pirates films, and her Performer of the Year nominations by both AVN and the XBIZ Awards. And again in 2014, Jane was on Morris's list of "The Dirty Dozen: Porn's Most Popular Stars".[22]

In 2009, she appeared in the reality series "The Bad Girls Club" and that same year, Jane was the focus of a CNBC documentary titled "Porn: Business of Pleasure." In November 2010, Jane was named the Australian Penthouse "Pet of the Month." In January 2011, Jane was named by journalist Chris Morris as one of the 12 most popular stars in adult which he published on CNBC. She was named again on his list in 2014 of "The Dirty Dozen: Porn's Most Popular Stars."

The star experienced some major health struggles following her and Antonoff's split. She had a hysterectomy to help relieve her endometriosis, and she also lives with fibromyalgia and connective-tissue disorder Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which at times requires her to walk with a cane. The Golden Globe winner also previously checked herself into rehab for an addiction to prescription drugs. (She's been sober since April 2018.)

Shortly after being diagnosed with my mutation, I started noticing how it began to express itself in different facets of my life. My conversations with my gynecologist, which were awkward enough to begin with, now consisted of lengthy discussions about my not-yet-existing cancer. I was given a timeline about when it would be best for me to stop hormonal birth control, when to begin getting annual mammograms and MRIs, and when to undergo a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy. I was told that I would have to think ahead about my reproductive future and that it would be recommended to undergo a voluntary hysterectomy to remove my ovaries and uterus long before I reached the age of menopause.

I had a total abdominal hysterectomy on 12. 2.18 because of ovarian cancer. Now coming up to 6 weeks into recovery. It has been the most traumatic and terrifying time of my life, as I'm sure many of you women will understand. My partner of 2yrs has stuck by me through all of it, his patients understanding an care is what has got me through this, he really has been amazing. I would like to say to all you men reading this you can really make a difference to how you're woman copes with this, her confidence in how she feels about her body afterward can be helped so much by you. How you see her will have a big effect on how she sees herself. My surgery was in the heath Cardiff, surgical staff was good did everything they could for me even though I was absolutely petrified. Ward staff was a completely different story. All the supposed arrangements were completely forgotten I was left without food or drink for 5 days, as I have celiacs and allergies they had made arrangements for food but once on the ward was told it was not possible. The only food an drink I had was brought in to me by my partner. I was discharged at four weeks after one check-up, they told me over the phone that they got it all an don't need any further treatment. One surgeon told me to wait 8 weeks before trying sex another one told me 10 weeks so I'm at a bit of a loss to know when will really be safe. We are intimate lots of cuddles an touching, I can relive my man in other ways than vaginally which helps us. All advice I have read says to take it gently an slow I know my man will be as gentle as is possible I think he is more nervous an worried about hurting me than I am. He has truly been amazing and to all you men out there I would like to say don't give up on us to quickly your women might be feeling as lost an scared, insecure maybe even depressed by what has happened, talking together lots of cuddles let her know how you feel about her an how beautiful she still is to you. You can really make a difference to her and you are really important in this too

I had a total laparoscopic hysterectomy November 20, 2017 (they only left my ovaries and Vagina), and I was cleared to have sex at 8 weeks post-op. We waited 11 weeks to have sex (this past Sunday morning), as my partner is incredibly well endowed (think porn-star big). I had no complications after surgery and my gynecologist said I was healing excellently - I had no bleeding at all after surgery and went back to work after 2 weeks and thought everything was healing up very well.

I recently had stomach pain extreme enough to go to the ER. For years I have taken pain pills for ripped discs in my back and a few other injury related things and had run out of my meds. They did a cat scan which revealed that my uterus was enlarged and I have fibroid cysts one is 11 cm, about the size of a mans fist. The emergency room visit was repeated two more times before I finally realized my extreme abdominal pain was withdraw from running out of meds and NOT from my uterine problems. I was horrified, and worse I was unable to share that information with the doctors because I do still need the medication for my back. I am 49 yrs old and still have regular (every 28 days) periods that last 7 days, heavy on only 2 of those days, and not painful. The gyno surgeon I was referred to wants to chemically induce menopause to shrink my uterus (it is enlarged to about a 4th month pregnancy) before vaginally removing it. I was never on board with this plan, and after reading all the posts about the extreme changes a hysterectomy will cause I am even more set against it. If menopause will shrink both my uterus and the fibroids, at 49 I shouldn't have long to wait. The surgeon seems to think I could keep having periods for another decade or more, and is very dismissive of my "watchful waiting" idea. The only thing I want LESS than a hysterectomy is to die if I don't have it. There are no indications that these fibroids are cancerous and Ive never had an abnormal pap smear. I can live with not having a flat tummy, it's not very noticeable somehow. My PCP scares me with the thought that maybe a tiny spot of cancer could be hiding in my uterus, he can't understand why I'm not embracing this plan. I love sex, my boyfriend is 10 year younger than I am and I couldn't expect him to stay with me if I lost all interest in or if sex was too painful for me. I've seen no posts regarding anal sex after surgery, (not MY favorite but I'm a good sport about it) anyone know about that? Does anyone have a similar situation and have been told by Dr. that "watchful waiting" would be safe? I appreciate the honest, candid stories I have found on this site. Especially from the men, its not like you can just ask your Grandpa (I briefly considered it) how the sex after surgery changed.

Exhaust all and every non-hysterectomy option you can. My wife had one and it has changed her, to be blunt she cannot think as fast, concentrate and she finds it all but impossible to reach orgasm now.She does manage to get to that point, its nowhere near what it was. Now she shows little to no interest in sex, after almost 23 years of marriage. I am looking outside of our marriage for some sort of relief. We used to have sex at least daily for over 20 years to now once a week and I can tell she has zero interest in it, just "giving it up" so I won't gripe. which is the worst thing a woman can do, at least to me. I don't want pity, I want my loving and sexually vibrant wife back. Her female problems still exist so it was not the magic cure all the drs built it up to be. They did the most drastic treatment first and could have gone so many other routes first. I love my wife with all my heart, but the woman I live with today is not my wife. She is a shell of what she was and I sit waiting in the hope the old she will come back. As time goes on, divorce enters my thoughts more and more these days and I feel I am just putting off the inevitable and wasting time I could be enjoying life again (not just the sex aspect either). I have forgotten what its like to be wanted and desired, don't want to cheat but am exhausted trying different things to try and stimulate her back into living again. She shows no enthusiasm for anything but tv, taking pics of the wildlife on our farm and the food shown on tv. She is a VERY sexy and attractive woman which just makes it all that much worse, as shallow as I'm sure that will sound to many, but its true. She is my dream woman in mind, body and soul, or at least she used to be. The mind and soal aspect seem to be MIA the last few years. Sad, alone and broken-hearted in Ky.

Thank you for your message. I am 34 and had a hysterectomy after having given the endometrial ablation a try. The ablation made everything worse, I can only describe the whole thing as having made my body even more furious with me. I am now 8mo out from having had a hysterectomy along with removing the cervix, and fallopian tubes. Originally they had planned to take my left ovary as it causes nothing but pain and issues after going in they discovered I had endometriosis behind my uterus in my pelvis and also on my left ovary. They removed all the endo and left my ovary which has caused nothing but issues from a huge ruptured cyst to nearly constant pain that everyone (ER Dr's, my gyn who couldn't help me as I had to move, and regular family practitioners) is sure it is due to the regrowth of the endo. Anyways to make a very long painful story short(er), I am in near constant pain, have been seen in the ER repeatedly, still have to rely on pain medications regularly as well as taking Motrin/Tylenol around the clock and to add insult to injury sex is so painful I have avoided it for nearly 6wks causing great distress to my husband when we are already having matrital issues due to this and other things. I am so depressed, the pain causes depression, the depression causes pain and I feel stuck in a never ending battle just to catch my breathe and try to enjoy life.I want to withdraw from everything and everyone around me... I have 3 young children that need me and I just feel so empty aside from the pain. 2ff7e9595c

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